Brooklyn’s Lenaah Lee Delivers “You” Ahead of Major Stage Performance

Falling under the radar, amidst the peak of the pandemic, “You” resurfaces in 2023 ahead of Lenaah Lee‘s Major Stage Performance. As described in her The Source Magazine feature back in 2019, the Brooklyn upstart brings the same bold, unique sound that compliments her sultry, dynamic vocals, into the new year. “You” is truly the epitome of the versatile sound that Lenaah Lee brings to every record. From her subtle voice inflections, to her dynamic range, playful vibe, and creative songwriting, Lenaah Lee has a lot to offer as a complete music artist. 

Recognized for her growing potential, Lenaah Lee has partnered with Major Stage in her home borough of Brooklyn. The official release of “You” amplifies the anticipation for Lenaah’s upcoming performance. Stay tuned into all this bright, rising star has to offer in the year ahead. 

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